Coastal Birds Sheet of 20 Postcard Forever U.S. Postage Stamps by USPS
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Coastal Birds Sheet of 20 Postcard Forever U.S. Postage Stamps by USPS

With the release of the Coastal Birds postcard stamps, the U.S. Postal Service celebrates four eye-catching birds: the red knot (Calidris canutus), king eider (Somateria spectabilis), roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), and magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens). The stamps feature highly stylized, digital portraits of each bird. Feeding on everything from crustaceans and mollusks to insects and fish, coastal birds can be spotted along beaches, rocky coastlines, and mudflats, as well as in lagoons, wetlands, and other saltwater and freshwater habitats. They account for some of the world's largest breeding and migratory populations. The Coastal Birds stamps feature the art of illustrator Tyler Lang. Greg Breeding was the art director. The word "POSTCARD" on the stamps indicates their usage value. Like a Forever stamp, it will always be equal in value to the applicable price for the price category printed on them at the time of use. **Please Note this is a coil of 20 stamps, not a page**

  • TitleCoastal Birds Sheet of 20 Postcard Forever U.S. Postage Stamps by USPS
  • BrandUnited States Postal Service
  • ManufacturerUSPS
  • BindingToy
  • ProductGroupOffice Product
  • Model117604
  • Size20 stamps
  • UPCs792273823713
  • EANs0885548924137