Clymer Evinrude/Johnson 48-235 HP Outboards (Includes Sea Drives) 1973-1990
Evinrude/Johnson 48-235 HP Outboards (includes Sea Drives), 1973-1990. Part Num: B736. 592 pages. Chapter two, tools and techniques. Safety first, Basic hand tools, Test equipment, Service hints, Special tips, Mechanics techniques. Chapter three, troubleshooting. Operating requirements, Starting system, Charging system, Ignition system, 1973-1977 CD 2 ignition troubleshooting, 1978-1984 CD 2 ignition troubleshooting, 1985-1988 CD 2 ignition troubleshooting, 1989-1990 CD2USL ignition troubleshooting, 1973-1978 CD 3 ignition troubleshooting, 1976-1978 CD 3 ignition troubleshooting, 1979-1984 CD 3 and 1979-1984 CD 6 ignition troubleshooting, 1985-1988 CD 3 ignition troubleshooting, 1989-1990 CD 3 ignition troubleshooting, 1973-1977 CD 4 ignition troubleshooting, 1978-1984 CD 4 ignition troubleshooting, 1987 88 hp, 1985-1987 90 hp, 1985 115 hp and 1986-1987 110 hp CD 4 ignition troubleshooting, 1988 88 hp, 90 hp and 110 hp CD 4 ignition troubleshooting, 1989-1990 88 hp, 90 hp, 110 hp and 115 hp CD 4 ignition troubleshooting, 1985-1987 120 and 140 hp CD 4 ignition troubleshooting, 1988-1990 120 and 140 hp CD 4 ignition troubleshooting, 1985 V6 and 1986-1988 150-175 hp CD 6 ignition troubleshooting, 1986-1987 200-225 hp CD ignition troubleshooting, 1988-1990 200-225 CD ignition troubleshooting, Ignition and neutral start switch, Neutral start switch, Fuel system, Engine temperature and overheating. Chapter five, engine synchronization and linkage adjustments. Engine timing, Synchronizing, Required equipment, 1973-1988 50 hp (tiller models), 1973-1988 48, 50, 55 and 60 hp (2-cylinder remote control models), 1989-1990 48 and 50 hp models, 60, 65, 70 and 75 hp (3-cylinder models), 65 hp (3-cylinder tiller models), V4 engines (except 1985-on 120-140 hp and 1986-on 88-115 hp), V4 engines (1986-on 88-115 hp), V4 engines (1985-on 120-140 hp), V6 engines (1975-1985), V6 engines (1986-on 150-175 hp), V6 engines (1986-on 200-225 hp).