Clearance Heavy weight BJJ Uniform Belt - Black (A2)
These are heavyweight uniform belts intended to be used for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a black sleeve on one end for rank stripes (the black belt has a red sleeve).
Made of 100% cotton, they have 9 rows of stitching, are approximately 1 3/4" wide, and are about 20% to 25% heavier than our "medium weight" belts.
All of that is pretty standard for most heavyweight belts.
However, after experimenting with different fabrics styles and weights, we developed these to be better than the others we've always used for our workouts.
They have a "heavier feel", but we tried to keep the outer layer soft enough that they would actually stay TIED during your workouts. That was the goal anyway - our medium weights still stay tied better, but we think these do pretty well for a heavy weight belt (a LOT better than the ones we've used in the past).
Sizes are shown in the "Brazilian" size (A1, A2, A3, etc.) not the "Western" equivalent (3, 4, 5, etc.). Please remember the Brazilian sizes and Western "single digit" sizes are not the same thing. We include both types of sizes on our uniform size charts if you need to check for a compatible equivalent.