Cisco-Linksys USBBT100 Bluetooth USB Adapter
MODEL- USBBT100 VENDOR- LINKSYS FEATURES- Bluetooth USB Adapter. Add Bluetooth connection capability to your PC! The Linksys USB Bluetooth Adapter adds local wireless connectivity to your USB-equipped computer. Bluetooth technology lets you connect various electronic devices together wirelessly eliminating the need for wires all over your desktop and easily connecting your notebook to peripherals in an airport lounge without all the cable clutter. With the USB Bluetooth Adapter plugged into a USB port on your notebook or desktop computer you'll be able to connect with other Bluetooth-enabled devices to synchronize the data in your PDA transfer files to other computers send files to printers or fax servers use a wireless mouse keyboard or telephony headset or use your mobile phone as a link to the Internet all without cables. Up to seven Bluetooth 1.1 compatible devices can connect to the USB Bluetooth Adapter simultaneously creating your own "Personal Area Network". The Adapter is a Class 1 long-range device and is powered directly from the USB port so there's no need for an external power supply. To keep your data secure Bluetooth technology uses 128-bit encryption and a "frequency hopping" scheme that's almost impossible to intercept. Bluetooth peripherals broadcast their availability and offer their specific services to local authorized systems. The Bluetooth management and connectivity software included with the USB Bluetooth Adapter makes it easy to discover and connect to these nearby devices. Enter a whole new world of wireless connectivity with the Linksys USB Bluetooth Adapter. Includes Bluetooth USB Adapter USB extension cable Setup CD-ROM with User guide Quick installtion Registration card.