Chronic Yeast Conditions, Candida Albicans Overgrowth.
When we started our study of this condition we found a lot of misinformation and misconception that surrounded it. We were able to develop this formula over time that will relieve the symptoms of yeast infection & candida albicans without making any other changes to your diet or life. Friends tell us that they get on a long anti-yeast diet take all kinds of concoctions,herbs vitamins, supplements, probiotics, only to have this condition return a few months later, the endless cycle! we'd like you to try our formula and contact us 1,2,3, years later to let us know how it worked for you. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product was not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,or prevent any disease. This is a 3 vial formula that needs to be taken in sequence, the first vial needs to be completely finished before starting the 2nd vial and the 2nd vial needs to be finished before the 3rd,it will take approximately 3 months to complete, and 6 weeks to start to notice change. Just dissolve 7 pellets under the tongue once daily, between meals,until you've completed the vials or as your naturopathic physician directs you.We believe this remedy is a super star in the making, and we believe you will feel the same! Our formulas are lactose free made in the USA in a FDA supervised laboratory using state of the art manufacturing methods. Our formulas are registered with the FDA as safe and effective homeopathic remedies. With no side effects and non habit forming. The other day a fellow asked me why don't you make and sell a immune booster formula, I replied that I do and I think it's one of the best , and in my opinion my very best formula even if you don't have yeast infections or candida albacans. it seems to unblock what ever is blocking the immune system bringing the health of the immune system way up, this combined with "Trace Minerals Research" minerals and in about a year you will have a immune system health you never had before.