Chromaphone Creative Percussion Synthesizer
Chromaphone combines acoustic resonators to create drums, percussion, string, and synth-like instruments. Membranes, bars, marimbas, plates, strings, and tubes form pairs that get sparked into life by a mallet and a flexible noise source. The resonators' material, tuning, and coupling parameters allow the creation of a wide range of instruments and sonic colors. Whether real, innovative, or with an ethnic touch, Chromaphone will fill your music with rich and organic tones.
Melodies and beats
Chromaphone's sound library includes a wide range of expressive and responsive instruments that span from warm and mellow pitched percussions for melodies to punchy one-shots and kits for rhythm tracks. A wooden bar makes a xylophone, turned metallic it becomes a glockenspiel. Adding a tube transforms it into a vibraphone or marimba. Plates shape up in bells and cymbals. Membranes are used for drum skins, combined with a tube they make bass drums, snares, congas and bongos.
One-shot revolution
One-shots are no longer limited to the velocity dimension. Chromaphone uses the entire keyboard range to modulate volume, mallet noise and stiffness, noise filter frequency and density, hit position, and coupling to open a whole world of expressive sounds-and that in a totally stepless fashion.
Creative drum kits
Chromaphone ships with ready-made creative kit patches where each note provides a new sound slightly different from the previous one. Over the entire keyboard range the sound morphs from bass drum to snare to hi-hat. Discover a mixture of electronic and acoustic qualities intertwined to form highly playable, addictive, and always fresh drum sounds.