Children's books - Gratitude, More Than Thanks ! (Teaching kid's Feelings & Emotion Book 1)
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -- Albert Einstein
What opportunities do I have that I am thankful for?
What have others in my life done that I am benefiting from in my life even if I don’t know who those people are?
What material possessions am I thankful for?
How can I learn to give thanks in all things?
How can I learn to be satisfied with little?
Am I capable to learn to live above life’s circumstances?
How can I become preoccupied with the well-being of others?
Those are some of the q. this small book is teaching us!!!
In this book we are teaching the kids how to loke on life corecctly!
while our kids is young,we need to tell and show them that always be contented for what they have and always be THANKFUL for everything that comes to us or given to us and take that as a blessings. (Elena - perent)
The Benefits of Gratitude
Gratitude is an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has—as opposed to, say, a consumer-oriented emphasis on what one wants or needs—and is currently receiving a great deal of attention as a facet ofpositive psychology. Gratitude is what gets poured into the glass to make it half full. Studies show that gratitude not only can be deliberately cultivated but can increase levels of well-being and happiness among those who do cultivate it. In addition, grateful thinking—and especially expression of it to others—is associated with increased levels of energy, optimism, and empathy.
"Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind." -- Lionel Hampton