Children Sunday School Lessons: The Miracles of Jesus
Includes 16 individual lessons on Jesus’ healings and His absolute authority over nature. Help your students know the compassion and the power of Christ more closely than ever before!
Lessons include:
1. Jesus Wants to Help Us - object lesson on Jesus healing the man with leprosy, from Matthew 8:1-4
2. Jesus Helps Us from Far Away - object lesson and craft on Jesus healing the centurion's servant, from Matthew 8:5-13
3. Jesus Calms the Storm - interactive lesson and game on not being afraid, from Matthew 8:23-27
4. Jesus Drives Out the Demons - object lesson on Jesus' authority over demons, from Matthew 8:28-34
5. Bringing Our Friends to Jesus - lesson, game, and activity on bringing others to Christ, from Matthew 9:1-8
6. Jesus Helps Us if We Have Faith! - lesson and game on the need for faith, from Matthew 9:18-33
7. Jesus Brings a Dead Boy Back to Life! - lesson and game on the future resurrection, from Luke 7:11-15
8. The Proof of Who Jesus Is - lesson on Jesus' identity, from Matthew 11:2-6
9. When are We Allowed to Break the Rules? - lesson on Matthew 12:1-13
10. Jesus Takes Our Little and Makes it a Lot - Feeding the Five Thousand - lesson and activity, from John 6:1-15
11. Faith, Not Fear - Jesus Walks on the Water - lesson and activity on faith, from Matthew 14:22-36
12. The Faith of a Foreign Enemy - lesson on the faith of the Canaanite woman, from Matthew 15:21-28
13. Jesus Heals a Blind Man - Twice! - lesson on how Jesus doesn't solve all of our problems at once, from Mark 8:22-26
14. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - one-person play, lesson, and game, based on John 9
15. The Transfiguration - Jesus is Most Important - one-person play and lesson from Matthew 17:1-9
16. Remembering to Give Thanks - Jesus Heals Ten Men with Leprosy - lesson from Luke 17:11-19
These easy-to-use lessons include simple object lessons, review questions, games, crafts, and discussion starters for use with elementary-age children.
Note: Other miracles that Jesus performed are included in the separate volumes, Jesus Starts His Work: Children Sunday School Lessons, and He Came, He Saw, He Conquered: Children Sunday School Lesson on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus