Cherish Art Hand Painted Oil Paintings Unbonded Red Spraying 4 Panels Wood Framed Inside For Living Room Art Work Home Decoration Abstract
Please kindly pay attention the SELLER NAME when you click the button: "Add to Cart".Please choose our store name"Cherish Art", and the paintings will be sent painted from our professional artist, we 100% GURANTEE the quality!!! if choosing other sellers, we can't give you any promise.Thank you so much for choosing us--Cherish Art.High quality 100% hand-painted oil painting on canvas provided by Cherish Art.The painting is stretched onto a wooden stretcher frame, easy to hang.Please be noticed that the size of each painting is clearly shown in the pages, measure your area before purchase so that you can have an appropriate conception on the comparison of the painting size and your area. Actual painting may be slightly different from the product image due to the different brand of monitors, Please refer to the colors shown in the photo.