Cases in Middle and Secondary Science Education: The Promise and Dilemmas (2nd Edition)
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Cases in Middle and Secondary Science Education: The Promise and Dilemmas (2nd Edition)

This broad-based volume highlights dozens of situations and challenges associated with middle school and secondary school science teaching, along with the suggestions of experts for improving practice and stimulating creative thinking in a scientific vein. After an introduction to the case-based pedagogy, ten chapters present three to four cases each, all of which relate to a central theme. The final chapter delineates a methodology for creating engaging, instructional cases from one's personal teaching experience. Through a study of the cases, future and practicing science teachers can glean an understanding of prevailing instructional practices and convincing, research-based arguments with which to challenge current traditional approaches. For future and in-service science teachers at middle and secondary schools.

  • TitleCases in Middle and Secondary Science Education: The Promise and Dilemmas (2nd Edition)
  • ManufacturerPearson
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • EANs9780131127982