Case Reports in Pediatric Dentistry
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Case Reports in Pediatric Dentistry

This collection of 16 dental pediatric case reports addresses a number of clinical problems encountered in the treatment of children and shows how well-known practitioners in the field of pediatric dentistry have solved them. Practical treatment strategies illustrate how to achieve the highest standards in clinical children s dentistry. This book will not only serve as a useful reference for in pediatric dental specialists, but also help general practitioners solve clinical problems related to their pediatric patients.


1. Long-Term Management of Early Childhood Caries Norbert Krämer, Roland Frankenberger

2. Hypomineralized Molars Marleen Peumans

3. Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Type II Satu Alaluusua, Heikki Alapulli

4. Hypophosphatasia Anne B. Skaare, Veslemøy E. Bjørkeng, Sven Simonsen, Anne Grethe Myhre, Ivar Espelid

5. Non-operative Management of Dental Caries in the Primary Dentition Dafydd Evans, Nicola Innes

6. Role of the Pediatric Dentist in Hypodontia Julie Caroline Mitchell, Marie Theresa Hosey

7. Erosive Dental Wear Marie-Charlotte Huysmans, Gert Stel

8. The Hall Technique: A Novel Method of Using Preformed Metal Crowns Nicola Innes, Dafydd Evans

9. Potential of Incomplete Caries Excavation to Arrest Active Caries Lesions and to Maintain Pulp Vitality Jan Kühnisch, Katharina Bücher, Reinhard Hickel

10. Management of Sequelae in the Permanent Incisors After Trauma in the Primary Dentition Frédéric Obry, Rémy Mathis, Marie-Cècile Manière

11. Premolar Autotransplantation After Avulsion of Both Maxillary Central Incisors Luc C. Martens

12. Prosthetic Rehabilitation in a Patient with Ectodermal Dysplasia Andrea Savi, Manfredi Maddalena, Marco Tamani, Mario Fazzi, Silvia Pizzi

13. Tongue Piercing Roeland De Moor

14. Complicated Crown Fractures in Two Permanent Incisors Ilija Skrinjaric

15. Traumatic Bone Cyst Anna Lena Sundell

16. Pulp Therapy in the Primary Molars Monty Duggal

  • TitleCase Reports in Pediatric Dentistry
  • BrandQuintessence Publishing (IL)
  • ManufacturerQuintessence Pub Co
  • BindingHardcover
  • ProductGroupBook
  • EANs9781850971962