Carbs of the Huge Manatee - Online Dating Expansion 1
Our expansions include 22 black cards of questionable question value, 91 white cards with all of the answers, one white card that thinks it's from the General Expansion 1 pack, 2 additional black cards for filler, and a couple of plastic strips for cat toys.
Carbs of the Huge Manatee cards are designed to be mixed in with whichever Cards Against Humanity decks and expansions you already have.*
We strongly recommend against mixing them in with your tarot cards. You don't really want to pick "Wedding Reception Hook-ups"-reversed for your "future" card. Trust us. It's not a pretty sight.
* Look. Cutesy stuff aside, here's the deal, CAH is one of the funniest games ever, but after a while you memorize the cards. When that happens, buy our cards. Simple, right?