CHURCH LAW: A Concise Legal Handbook For Ministers, Pastors, and Church Leaders
It is imperative in the day and age in which we live, that Christian leaders understand the law as it relates to pastors, churches, and non-profit organizations. Christian Leaders must have an understanding of the laws affecting pastors, and why they are important for church boards and ministers to know. Lantz uses court cases to help define and explain the legal distinction of ministerial status and its implications for pastors and church boards. This brief and concise handbook on Church Law addresses clergy employment contracts, compensation, termination, legal privileges and conditions of ministers, and the legal authority of ministers on behalf of the church. Also, the more common theories of clergy legal liability are examined. The laws of today are more complex than they ever have been, and lawyers are in the business of making “BIG BUCKS.†They are able to do this because, unfortunately, many pastors and church leaders are ignorant about the law. There are now more legal problems and lawsuits against churches than in any other era. Therefore, it is imperative that the minister/pastor be aware of legal issues, and potential problems that can come their way if they are not careful in handling church members, non-members and counseling situations, in particular. Church leaders must become aware of the potential legal problems that can result from relationships with parishioners, as well as legal problems with employees. Pastor, beware of the dangers that are lurking in the world of Lawyers, Lawsuits, and the American Legal System. Every Pastor, Full-Time Church Leader, and Christian Minister, needs to purchase a copy of this concise handbook on Church Law.