C++ For Java Programmers
In C++ for Java Programmers, the student gets an introduction to C++ that enlists their Java programming skills to get them comfortably programming in C++. This title is an appropriate supplement for any upper level course in which students are required to program in C++, or for anyone with experience in Java who is interested in an introduction to C++. The text first walks the Java programmer through features controlled by the Java language but left to the programmer in C++ (e.g., the use of pointers, controlling memory management). It then builds upon their Java experience to teach language features that are slightly different (e.g., the structure of a class definition, polymorphism). Characteristics of C++ that have no correlation in Java are then presented. Features 'Test Your Understanding' questions at the end of each chapter Four chapter-long case studies walked-through examples of C++ language features A price point and length that makes this an ideal title for students who need to learn C++ for their coursework