Business Plans Kit For Dummies
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Business Plans Kit For Dummies

Discover the ins and outs of constructing a winning businessplan

When you're establishing, expanding, or re-energizing abusiness, the best place to start is with your business plan.Whether you want start–up money from investors or are lookingto expand or re-energize your business, a business plan will giveyou a defined road map to help you get your business moving.

Business Plans Kit For Dummies, 4th Edition has beenupdated to give you the very latest information on today's currenteconomy and its impact on business plans; dealing with venturecapitalists; getting start-up money in any economy; incorporatingsocial and ecological responsibility issues; and developing a planconducive to marketplace changes and advancements.

  • Refreshed examples and data sources for planning
  • Updated "ten top plans" section
  • CD includes new forms, worksheets, and resources

If you're a small business owner, investor, or entrepreneurlooking for expert guidance and friendly tips on developing andimplementing a strategic plan to help your business succeed in anyeconomy, Business Plans Kit For Dummies has you covered!

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of the e-book file, but are available fordownload after purchase.