Bullworker Steel-Bow DVD - All 3 Fitness Routines for Fast results.
Let certified and professional fitness trainer, Janina Ward, take you through a 5-part, 30-minute challenging routine utilizing all aspects of the Steel-Bow: Isometrics, Isotonic & Iso-Motion. A combo Pilates/Isometric ballet that will forever change the way you exercise... an added addition that delivers more than you ever imagined.
Janina will prove to you as a 35 year old Mother of 3, the Steel-Bow can change the way you look, feel and the activities you participate in.
With the changing springs of the Steel-Bow; Anyone & Everyone is challenged in this DVD. For the time conscious exerciser who likes a structured routine. PLEASE NOTE: This is the SAME DVD included with the Steel-Bow. DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY FITNESS PRODUCT, DVD ONLY. Due to high shipping costs, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING.