Bullfrog Snot Liquid Plastic Traction Tire 1oz BFS1 Misc. Train Accys Non Scale
This is Bullfrog Snot 1 Bullfrog Snot (1oz), liquid plastic traction tire maker for model railroad locomotives. Bullfrog Snot is a sophisticated, specially secret formulated, one-part "green" liquid plastic with very unique properties. It was concocted and brewed by a veteran N-scaler specifically to be the ideal solution for improving traction on model railroads. Bullfrog Snot is easily applied, and easily removed. Just a toothpick or an artist brush is all you'll need to install and an Xacto knife to remove. And, It cures at room temperature in moments. Made in the USA. Manufacturer: Bullfrog Snot. Model Number: 1. MSRP: 24.95. Category 1: Maintenance & Supplies. Category 2: Adhesives and Glues.