Building a Hackintosh - Research, Buying Parts, and Putting It All Together.
Apple churns out computers that are incredibly sexy, incredibly stylish, and incredibly expensive. Wouldn't it be great if the average user could get their hands on an affordable and expandable system over what Apple offers without sacrificing the powerful operating system? It is now possible due to Apple's transition from Motorola PowerPC processors to Intel processors, and from the work of hobbyists and hackers who have successfully installed Apple's OS X on non-Apple hardware.
This book covers the aspects building your own system starting with the details on researching parts, what parts you'll need and the pros and cons of buying used over new, putting the pieces together, getting OS X on your system and stabilizing it, and how to use OS X along with a few tricks. You'll also find information on how to wire things in a clean manner, hooking up multiple monitors, and more. A large portion of the book is focused on installing the parts, but there are photos and screen shots throughout the book that show you how to seat the processor, important connections when hooking up cables and wires, and much more. You can also find additional content on the website accompanying the book at
The book is written for those who are new to building computers from scratch and also for experienced builders who have a number of systems previously built, but the tone is written toward new builders to help understand hardware and software concepts and applications without patronizing experienced builders. The primary object is to pick and choose the right hardware components that fit within your needs and your budget, use the components to build a complete and working computer, install Apple's OS X on to the machine, and stabilize it using free software from the Internet.