Building Cavaletti Horse Jumps (The Riders Bootstrap Series Book 2)
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Building Cavaletti Horse Jumps (The Riders Bootstrap Series Book 2)

These awesome little jumps are a big leap in training!

Cavaletti are small obstacles, used for horse training. Cavaletti were invented by Federico Caprilli. They are intended to help a horse improve its balance, adjust its length of stride, and to loosen and strengthen its muscles. While basic in nature they are a core obstacle of most riding schools for both rider and horse. 
This book will guide you through every step of the way on how to build four types of cavaletti jumps from scratch for those with minimal building experience, (Beginner), to those who are quite comfortable working with wood, (Proficient), levels. 
These include the small stackable cavaletti, the classic X cavaletti and the box cavaletti, each design has specific benefits and purposes, and  all the designs have been constructed in the safest and simplest ways. 
The author is an experienced woodworker who enlisted the help of his 15 year old, (horse-mad!), daughter to assist with the construction. Some of the tips are from her to show the tricks on easy construction.
The book opens with thirteen reasons why you would choose wooden cavalatti over any other type which make compelling reading. The materials required - with alternate options - are detailed along with construction notes and suggestions for painting (if desired) of the finished product are included.
Filled with quick tips, plenty of humor, (who said building jumps wasn't fun?), and pictures to assist with the construction. The simplest can be constructed within around half an hour with two hours or so required for the more complex cavaletti (excluding painting times). Enjoy showing off your handiwork in the very near future - your horse-mad children and your local pony club will love you for it!

  • TitleBuilding Cavaletti Horse Jumps (The Riders Bootstrap Series Book 2)
  • ManufacturerImpulsion Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-09-12T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook