Build Your Own STEN MK II SMG
There are in our society, quiet persons with no social life who, believe it or not, prefer it that way. What quirk of nature and life has made them so still astounds the all-knowing psychiatry crowd, but live they do and more often than not, they are the backbone of several necessary military functions and nearly all lab functions, as active parts of the high tech crowd. They are becoming more and more recluse as the technologies of science give them such opportunity; active members of the internet, but loners, hiding away with their CAD programs, and whiling away their hours in empty tool rooms.
Some, like the author, simply get so absorbed in the project material that they have no interest in any other thing. This is how it has been for many, many years.
At this time of writing, there is great division in the land developed largely from the failure of the ever propagandizing Liberal media that makes its living filling the minds of the people with mis-information, due to its own lack of understanding or interest in the simpler facts about arms. 'We, the people' are about to be disarmed, if only on paper, by an ungrateful and small but powerful group that has little or no memory of the men and the arms that gave them the freedom to go so far as to destroy those heroic efforts. But, all true patriots know: "THE PRICE OF LIBERTY IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE!"
You have my apologies for the long delay, but . . . how do I say it? There have been a lot of unforeseen delays . . . The New York Trade Building disaster, Waco, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, The Republic of Texas standoff, and a couple of things swept under the carpet so swiftly no one heard. All these things make the BATF pucker factor soar, and while I am dedicated, I am prudent, and I am sure it is not the end of this kind of unrest. Many of us have a distinct 'difference of opinion' with federal law enforcement officers and the current political flavor they show regarding what is clearly our crystal clear 2nd Amendment right! If the machinegun control act of 1934 is an illegal infringement of the 2nd amendment, is there a need to explain our feelings for the Gun Control Act of 1968 & 86?
Please bear in mind that while the designs encountered in the text of this book will require some machine knowledge, the explanations are detailed enough to be of use to individuals lacking in machine shop understanding. This may seem a bit 'over-explained' to the experienced hands. My apologies for that inconvenience, but I believe you will agree that it is better to have everyone in a like mind of understanding than to lose anyone. No doubt, there will be a few who will still need help. It has crossed my mind that these may be lured into our wonderful world of creative designs, lathes, mills, oil and metal chips! All in hope of discovering an unknown John Moses Browning with the heart of Nathan Hale.
Most Sincerely,
~ Justice Ironwulf