Buffett and Beyond: Uncovering the Secret Ratio for Superior Stock Selection
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Buffett and Beyond: Uncovering the Secret Ratio for Superior Stock Selection

Construct a portfolio that is sure to outperform marketaverages

Warren Buffett had it right all along. Now it's your turn tolearn how to construct a portfolio that is sure to outperform themarket averages, as well as almost every professional money managerin the world. Warren Buffett's method of predictability candetermine a future target price, which in turn determines hisall-important purchase price. However, Buffett doesn't drawconclusions of his predictability method relative to the futuretotal returns of portfolios. That's where Buffett and Beyondcomes in, taking Buffett's method one giant step beyond,proving that if you select a portfolio of stocks using thepredictability method in this book, you will outperform 96% ofprofessional money managers over the long term.

In addition to the information in the book, readers will haveaccess to a password-protected website that includes tutorialvideos, PowerPoint slides, free trial access to a video newsletter,and a trial subscription to the author's computer program, whichfollows the research presented in the book.

  • Explains Clean Surplus Accounting (CSA) to determine Return onOwners' Equity (ROE)
  • Uses CSA to determine ROE in a unique way to verify Buffett'sall-important purchase price
  • Draws conclusions between Clean Surplus Return on Equity andfuture total returns
  • Shows that every portfolio selected from the S&P 500 indexwith above-average Clean Surplus ROEs outperformed the S&Paverage during the test periods from 1987 to the present

If you're an investor, this book will impact your financial lifeforever.

  • TitleBuffett and Beyond: Uncovering the Secret Ratio for Superior Stock Selection
  • ManufacturerWiley
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-01-29T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook