Brussel's Live Fringe Flower Outdoor Bonsai Tree - 3 Years Old; 8" to 12" Tall with Decorative Container
The common name, "fringe-flower" and the Latin name, "Loropetalum" derive from the appearance of Loropetalum flower, the petals (petalon, in Greek) of which resemble fringe or little straps (loron, in Greek). Because Chinese Loropetalum is in the witch-hazel family those familiar with the flowers of witch-hazel tree will tend to notice the family resemblance. Chinese Fringe Flower matures into a Bonsai with maroon leaves, which sometimes turn reddish in the summer. It produces fragrant pink “fringy" flowers in early spring. The foliage is burgundy when the temperatures are mild and then turn mostly green during the warmth of summer.Pest free and hardy, the Fringe flower is a perfect Bonsai for a beginner and will delight its owner with abundant flowers that are beautiful and unique.
Each live plant is shipped with the Phytosanitary Certificate as required by the USDA.