Brother Deer An' King Sun's Daughter (Told By Uncle Remus Book 10)
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Brother Deer An' King Sun's Daughter (Told By Uncle Remus Book 10)

In the course of time, the man who had been the little boy for ever so long came to have a little boy of his own, and then it happened in the most natural way in the world that the little boy's little boy fell under the spell of Uncle Remus, who was still halle and hearty in spite of his age.

This latest little boy was frailer and quieter than his father had been and a source of perpetual wonder to Uncle Remus who had a way of watching him curiously. Sometimes, as the result of this investigation, which was continuous, Uncle Remus would shake his head and chuckle; at other times, he would shake his head and sigh, but he always had a tale to share.

'Brother Deer An' King Sun's Daughter' is the tenth in a series of stories told by Uncle Remus :

"...Can't you tell the story unless you can find out about the time?" inquired the little boy.

"Tooby sho' I kin, honey, but you'd b'lieve it lots quicker ef you know'd what time it happen. 'Fo' yo' great-gran'ma died, she had a trunk full er ollymenacks, an' I boun' you ef I had 'em here whar you could look at um, we wouldn't have no trouble. I speck dey done got strow'd about endurin' er de war time."

'Well, anyhow, once 'pon a time, when dey wuz mighty few folks in de worl', ef any, Brer Deer fell in love wid ol' King Sun's daughter." Having made this preliminary statement, Uncle Remus paused to see what effect it had on the child. Amazement and incredulity were written on the little boy's face, observing which the old man smiled. "You nee'nter git de idee in yo' head dat ol' King Sun is like he wuz in dem days. No, bless you! He wuz des ez diffunt ez dem times wuz fum deze times, an' when you git ter readin' in de books you'll fin' out what de diffunce wuz. He wuz closer by, an' he ain't hide out at night like he does now. He wuz up in de sky, but he ain't live ez high up; he wuz mo' neighborly, ez you may say..."

Newly republished for the Kindle using the original text, by author Joel Chandler Harris. Series Illustrators A.B. Frost, J.M. Conde and Frank Verbeck

  • AuthorJoel Chandler Harris
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • NumberOfPages11
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2011-07-29
  • ReleaseDate2011-07-29
  • TitleBrother Deer An' King Sun's Daughter (Told By Uncle Remus Book 10)