British WWI Enfield P1903 1st Model .303 SMLE Bayonet
New Made Item: Britain introduced the SMLE rifle in 1903. With it they issued the standard 12" bladed double edged knife bayonet similar to that of the 12" blade style of the Lee Metford and Long Lee Enfield Rifle Bayonet. The new "Short Magazine Lee Enfield Rifle" (SMLE) was shorter than its predecessors.
By 1907 so many complaints had been received that the bayonet was too short that the standard P-1907 WW1 bayonet was introduced with its 17" blade. Believe it or not, the complaint was based on the inability of the infantryman to bring a cavalryman off his mount with the combination of short rifle and short bayonet.
The problem was solved in 1907 but alas by 1914 warfare had so developed that infantry against cavalry engagements were a thing of the past.
Nevertheless the P-1903 Bayonet was used in service throughout the First World War. Production however had ceased by 1907. These new made reproductions can complete any Enfield Rifle collection as the very first SMLE bayonet to be issued.
Complete with replicated British Broad arrow markings; these are an exact reproduction of the British Enfield P-1903 Bayonet.