Brethren, life in bondage. Book four. (Brethren life in bondage 4)
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Brethren, life in bondage. Book four. (Brethren life in bondage 4)

Old school bondage meets with high Tech fetish, in this, the fourth book in the Brethren series. With a respectful nod to House of Gord and maybe just a touch of Insex, Fb presents a feast of flesh and fetish, purely for your titillation. Practising submissive and hoarder of all things kinky she knows exactly what buttons to push!

Brethren, book four
The world has moved on. The stuff of fantasy has become reality but most important of all, there is now absolute truth. Advances in technology mean citizens are no longer able to lie to the law givers. Those dispensing justice can do so without fear of punishing the innocent. Society is no longer prepared to keep or tolerate those who choose to do harm.

And so the Brethren have arisen.

They offer the world another way, a natural justice. They keep the criminals contained and restrained whilst indulging their fetishes and desires. Criminals are presented to the Brethren to live out their days owned and degraded . Within the city's and county's given over to the elite of the Brethren, normality is subjective. Segregated from the rest of society they indulge without prejudice or interference.

Bob let the electric prod drop but kept hold of it. “The corset came next, every few months I have to take it in, as her ribs are crushed”. James watched Jojo breathe, even at rest she was forced to take rapid shallow breaths, she tried to turn her head to look at the two men but the neck corset resisted her every attempt to move. "The hood came last she's only been wearing it a couple of years", James wondered how Bob could say that with such nonchalance, this woman had been kept crippled and bound in rigid leather for years. Her body had been sculpted, everywhere the leather touched was held perfectly rigid and immobile. James wondered to himself how suffocating that hood must have become by now. Never free of it's constant pressure, covering every inch of her face and head she was never able to breathe deeply, to open her mouth or even change expression. Her face and mouth trapped in a passive pose forced against an unmoving mask of leather. This was Jojo's world, kept in tortured solitary confinement by a man who purchased her like an object.

  • AuthorFb Peaches
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • Edition4
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • NumberOfPages36
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2012-11-30
  • ReleaseDate2012-11-30
  • TitleBrethren, life in bondage. Book four. (Brethren life in bondage 4)