Breathalyzer Equalizer Packages - Reduces Mouth Alcohol and Readings DUI
What is Residual Mouth Alcohol? M
In a law enforcement training manual that is recognized by police officers across the United States, entitled DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (HS 178 R8/06), which is endorsed by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), provides this definition and warning to police officers about Residual Mouth Alcohol, when using Roadside Preliminary Breath Testing (PBTs) devices: "Residual Mouth Alcohol: After a person takes a drink, some of the alcohol will remain in the mouth tissues. If the person exhales soon after drinking, the breath sample will pick up some of this left-over mouth alcohol. In this case, the breath sample will contain an additional amount of alcohol and the test result will be higher than the true BAC." "It takes approximately 15 minutes for the residual mouth alcohol to evaporate from the mouth." "The only sure way to eliminate this factor is to make sure the suspect does not take any alcohol for at least 15 to 20 minutes before conducting a breath test. Remember, too, that most mouthwashes, breath sprays, cough syrups, etc., contain alcohol and will produce residual mouth alcohol. Therefore, it is always best not to permit the suspect to put anything in their mouth for at least 15-20 minutes prior to testing."
NOTE: Keep in mind, that you can still be arrested for DUI, even if you blow UNDER your state's legal limit! Most states have a "Less-safe" or similar charge for drivers that are not over the legal limit, but have shown that they are less-safe to be driving, after consuming alcohol.
In conclusion,"Breathalyzer Equalizer" will only help improve the accuracy in roadside breath testing, which will assist law enforcement in arresting and punishing those actually guilty of DUI.