Blue's Clues - Story Time [VHS]
Finally, parents will have something to pop in the VCR when their hopelessly addicted tots ask for a hit of the blue dog during one of the many hours it's not actually playing on television. This 50-minute video contains two segments that touch on several traditional tales, but focus on "The Three Little Pigs" and "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." There's a little Elvis humor for the adults, but most of the jokes are aimed squarely at the pre-K set, who are asked to help our rugby-shirted friend Steve discover his evasive cartoon dog's favorite stories. With any luck, the video should buy you more than 50 minutes of peace as your child is likely to be inspired to engage his or her dog in porridge-portion comparisons or corner the cat behind the washing machine for a rousing game of "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." --Kimberly Heinrichs