Black Graphite Guide Coat kit. No Harmful additives can be Painted Over. Made in The USA and Shipped from Pennsylvania. Receive in 2 to 4 Days in The Lower 48.
Using guide coat powder is the simplest, most inexpensive and effective way to ensure that all your refinishing projects are of the highest quality. If you have ever seen what from a distance looks like a beautiful classic car with a custom paint job, then get up close and look down the side to see Ripples, sanding scratches, and pinholes showing in the paint, you will know why that even the pros use guide coat. NO fouled sandpaper, hard sanding, masking, overspray, fumes or wait time with dry powder guide coating. Apply the powder and start sanding. works wet or dry. Unlike all other powder guide coat brands, blackjack contains no charcoal, carbon soot or heavy fillers like talc and clay, which allows it to be filled, primed or painted over without completely removing all of the powder. The powder will highlight flaws in primers and fillers and Leaves a very fine coating that will never clog sandpaper. Will not react with any paint systems known. No solvents or lead. No adhesion problems or bleed through. Although one swipe is usually dark enough the powder can be built up in layers when very dark contrast is required. Cleans up easily on hands and clothing with soapy water (use plain water when wet sanding), Comes with a FREE applicator, mask, and gloves. Made and assembled in the USA. NOTE: Using black aerosol paint as a guide coat is not recommended as the unknown solvents in the paint can penetrate the primers and fillers being used. Besides making the surface difficult to sand and clogging the sandpaper, the solvents can leach back out and cause serious problems in the finished topcoats that may not show up for months. ( poor adhesion, Uneven gloss, micro checking, and blistering) If you prefer to use spray always use a product made for this purpose.