BinTEK Brand LG Optimus G Battery Google Nexus 4 Battery BL-T5 2100mAh Premium Battery with Opening Repair Tool Kit / Compatible with Models E970 E973 LS970 E960 AT&T Sprint E 970 E 973 LS 970 E 960
Need a replacement battery for your LG Optimus G or Google Nexus 4? BinTEK has you covered with not just a battery replacement, but the tools to install it as well. Introducing BinTEK's LG Optimus G Battery LG E970 Battery Google Nexus 4 Battery 2100mAh Premium Battery with Opening Repair Tool Kit. The battery included is identical to the standard battery that comes with any LG Optimus G or Google Nexus 4 model listed above in the title. It has a built-in integrated chip which prevents the battery from overcharging, which increases the lifetime of the battery overall.
The opening/repair tools included are more than enough for replacing the battery, but these tools can be used as an overall stand-alone repair kit. Other repairs that can be carried out on your LG Optimus G or Google Nexus 4 include: