Bicycles & Tricycles: A Classic Treatise on Their Design and Construction (Dover Transportation)
Up until the publication of this book in1896, no comparable work existed on the science, design, and mechanics of the bicycle — an invention that revolutionized transportation for the average person and had far-reaching social and economic consequences. While other books on the bicycle have been written since, this late-19th-century classic remains unsurpassed in the thorough, accurate, and highly accessible coverage of every aspect of bicycle design and construction. Over 560 illustrations, diagrams, figures and tables complement an exhaustive examination of such topics as the development of cycles, kinematics, stability, steering, the frame, gears, stresses, mechanical components, and much more. A marvel of scientific exposition for its time, this fascinating treatise will attract a wide audience of readers interested in technology and invention as well as serious and competitive cyclists, bicycle designers and collectors.