Biblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven
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Biblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven

Have you ever lost a beloved pet and wondered, €œDid they go to heaven, or did they just die and that€s it?€ This book finally answers the age old question once and for all.

Do animals have spirits? Find out God€s true relationship with animals, and how He really feels about them.

The author shares his divine visions along with scriptural proof, which Jesus reveals and explains to him, concerning God€s entire creation.

Whether you are a pet lover or not, you will gain a greater understanding of the immense love of Jesus, for all of His creation. After reading this testimony, you will look at love and forgiveness in a whole new light.

  • TitleBiblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven
  • ManufacturerXulon Press
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-09-24T16:31:25.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook