Beyond The Page: Killer Marketing Strategies For Novice Authors
***Get the book today before the price rises to $2.99 on October 30th!***
Are you tired of feeling stuck in your marketing? Do you want a solid plan that shows you what to do?
You're not alone. The author community has a massive problem. According to the Guardian, €œEarnings for full-time authors dropped 30% between 2009 and 2014, from $25,000 to $17,500, while the median income of part-time writers fell 38% over the period, from $7,250 to $4,500.€Â
When we publish a book for the first time, we become business owners. Our books are our product and our brand. It's what we market to our audience. Most small business owners fail because they can't sell their products, and therefore cannot make a profit.
Why is this happening?
Because the message they send to their audience and the marketing strategies they use aren't setting them up to succeed.
Many authors are confused about how to find their audience, get in front of them, and engage with them authentically in a way that's meaningful to them. They€ve fallen into the mass marketing trap that emerged from the marketing strategies of the past.
Fifty years ago, TV and radio formed a mass marketing paradigm in us, telling us to broadcast our message to anyone who will listen. In the age of the Internet, that method doesn't work. Thousands of books are published every month. The market is over saturated with authors, many of whom scream "Buy me" to everyone instead of "This will solve a problem" to a specific group of readers. The mass marketing tactics of the past no longer work. We have to be different.
My book will help you adapt and create a solid content plan to connect with the readers that resonate with your creation. Together, we will explore a specific method called content marketing and change the way you interact with your fans.
What is content marketing?
It is creating interesting, engaging content that puts your "brand" into focus. Think of short stories, author interviews, and websites dedicated to certain themes in your book.
Why use content marketing?
It builds awareness for you, it gives you credibility, and builds an author platform far stronger than just a website alone. It gives your potential customers the confidence they need to take that final step and buy your book. Imagine a crowd of fans craving your book.
Have you ever heard of the Harry Potter website "Pottermore"? How about "The Hunger Games" website devoted to the captiol of Panem? These engaging websites are great examples of content marketing at work.
According to Pottermore's CEO, "The Pottermore e-book store sold £3 Million worth of Harry Potter e-books in its first month, while the Pottermore experience, which allows fans to explore the Harry Potter universe online, added five million new users in the two weeks since its own launch on 14th April..."
Do you want results like that? That comes from clarity and strategic planning in your marketing campaign, and building relationships with your audience.
When you buy my book, you will:
-Discover how famous books have impacted their audience. -Learn who your true audience is. -Develop a strong content strategy to reach them. -Discover how to impact potential customers on a personal level. -Unleash your creativity and use it to build powerful relationships with your fans. -Create a community that raves over your books. "Beyond The Page" will help you get to that higher level you're dreaming of. You'll be more confident, capable, and successful than ever before. If you're ready to get serious about being an author, this book is for you.