Better Than Candy? (Gospel Tract - Packet of 100 - NKJV)
What is better than candy, more beautiful than a butterfly, and full of more love than you have ever known? No, I'm not talking about fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies, I'm talking about Heaven! Heaven is much better than anything we have ever seen or known.
What is Heaven?Heaven is a wonderful place that God has made for people who love Him.1 The Bible describes it as a place where everyone is always happy, a place with no tears or crying or pain.2 It is a very beautiful place, and those who have seen it use words like "glory" and "pure" and "gold" to describe it.3 It is a place where nobody will ever need to be hungry, or tired, or poor.4
That's great! How do I get there?You can't get to Heaven in a car or bus, or even an airplane or spaceship. You can't buy a ticket to Heaven, and you can't sneak in when nobody is looking. There is only one way to get to Heaven, and Jesus is that way.5 Without Jesus, nobody can go to Heaven.6
Heaven is one of the two places God will put people after they die. The other place is called Hell, and is the worst place you could ever think of.7 How does God decide who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell? The Bible says that God has books where he keeps track of the things people do.8 Have you ever told a lie, even a tiny one? We all do bad things like lying or even worse. God calls these bad things "sin" and writes them down in His books.
The problem is, sin cannot be in Heaven where God is.9 Because we have all sinned, we are all on the road to Hell.10 But God loves us so much, and doesn't want anybody to go to Hell.11 That is why He sent His Son...