Berkline Recliner Handle Push Button Release with Cable 38 3/4 Total with 5" Wire
This DIY replacement push button release handle fits BERKLINE recliners. The push button is a 2 inch round black plastic handle attached to a 5 inch metal mounting plate. The cable is 29 inches long ending with a 3/4 inch plastic clip. The exposed wire ending in an S tip is 4 inches from the bottom of the clip to the end of the S tip. The complete mechanism includes the push button handle, cable, clip and wire S tip. For any DIY project, measurements and fittings are very important. The exposed wire and ending shape are critical for the proper operation of the footrest mechanism of your reclining furniture. Please remove the broken or damaged cable assembly and save any screws or attachment pieces. Carefully observe the attachment of the exposed wire to the footrest release mechanism and the position of the mounting clip when removing the handle. There are several lengths of cables and exposed wires as well as mounting plate / bracket shapes. DIY-Furniture Parts has a money back guarantee - no questions ask. Visit DIY-Furniture Parts to view our diverse selection of parts to assist you with do it yourself furniture repair projects. Feel free to contact us for assistance in you DIY projects. Please send questions or pictures to our Amazon email. Thanks DIY-Furniture Parts