Beginning Pilates for Dancers - Get the Dancer's Body
Pilates for Dancers is designed for anyone and everyone who would like to attain the often celebrated dancer s body, incredibly strong, limber, and articulated muscles and frame. Pilates for dancer s was born of the idea that the dancer s body and physique is beautiful, graceful, and lithe. At the same time, it is an attainable beauty, given the proper exercise routine and discipline.
This video has a great, limbering warm up routine, followed by over 20 explicitly broken down, step-by-step, instructions that anyone (yes, even you) can follow. This video progressed in stages so that even absolute beginners will have no problem getting a complete and invigorating workout.
Geared towards beginners and those whom are learning their first pilates movements, all the way to intermediates, a lot of time is spent on explanation and proper repetition, so you get the most out of your workout.
Multiple angles make sure you don t miss any of the important alignment, or subtle movements, Pilates can get us into. A great video, and a chance for you to experience a dancer s workout!
This DVD is part of an every growing dance instructional series by SalsaCrazy and DanceCrazy, all of which is available and searchable on