Becoming an Officer of Marines: The Definitive Guide to Marine Corps Officer Candidate School
There is one undeniable fact about Marine OCS: your level of preparation prior to shipping is directly proportional to your chances of success while there. The key however, is you need to know what you are preparing for first. That's where this book comes in. This book is a collection of everything you need to know before shipping for OCS, both official and unofficial. If you've already done research and studied up, some of this book will be familiar and serve as a good reminder of the technical aspects. However, there is a missing link in your preparations. You've likely had that feeling that "I wish I knew more of what to expect" or "I feel like there is something I should know, but no one is telling me". You are not alone in that. Along with the technical information, this book also is a collection of stories, tips, advice, and important information from former OCS candidates. In the words of one contributor: "This book is all the crap I wish I had known before I went". We'll run you through the gauntlet to help you prepare. This book is just a tool though, you have to utilize it properly to get the results you want. We'll cover: - Leadership & Academics - Physical Fitness, including pre-ship training - Do's and Don'ts of OCS - Marine Corps rank structure and insignias - Sample schedule of OCS - Stories, tips, and more from former candidates