Beans72 Organic Buckwheat Hulls 10 Pounds
The perfect way to refill or adjust your beans72 Buckwheat Pillows - as well as other brands. Also a great opportunity to make your very own Buckwheat Hull Pillow! Buckwheat hulls have been used for centuries in Japan; the Buckwheat pillow is perfect for anyone with foam or feather allergies as well as anyone who wants a better night's sleep. Look for beans72 Buckwheat. 100% USA organically grown, USA processed, and USA cleaned Buckwheat Hulls. beans72 Buckwheat Hulls can only be purchased from beans72 or through our store at Amazon. beans72 does not wholesale or distribute to any other sellers on Amazon. Beware of other sellers using our descriptions, our photos and even similar sounding seller names to deceive you! There is only one beans72. We are the authentic original genuine Buckwheat Hull products resource in the USA.