Be Transformed 2: Maturing in His Grace (Be Transformed Series)
Be Transformed Two: Maturing in His Grace is a series of essays written by counselors and teachers on staff with Scope Ministries International. Designed to strengthen and deepen the message of grace learned in Be Transformed One: Discovering Biblical Solutions to Life’s Problems, the study includes a review of concepts such as the tripartite nature of man, the REED acronym for managing emotions (Recognize, Express to God, Evaluate, Decide) and the Funnel prayer tool. Five days of homework assignments are included with each essay. Chapter titles include: • “Oneness with the Father†by Rev. Bruce Barteaux • “Grace that Frees†by Pat Everett • “Better than a Band-Aid: Wrestling with God†by Dr. Vicki Frydrych • “Divine Difficulties†by Dr. Scott Hadden