Be Prepared for Anything: Build your foundation for survival
Whether you believe an economic collapse is imminent, the power grid is doomed to fail, you are concerned about a natural disaster or you are preparing because you see how unsustainable this system really is, we need to be prepared for anything. We can’t afford to get blindsided by something because we are looking in a totally different direction.
Preparedness should be a mindset, not a fad. Regardless what people believe, it's not all about doomsday, small scale disasters could change our lives as well.
To become a seasoned prepper we need to start from ground zero and work our way up, and we need to do it in a way that doesn't put us in the poor house.
Preparing is also very personalized, there is no one way to build your food storage and no one way to build your bug out bag. All of our situations are different, and we need to plan accordingly.
This is not your typical prepping book; you will not find a list for items you need in the event of a disaster. What you will find is the information you need to build your supplies evenly over time, what to expect from others who are not prepared, form a plan based on our personal situation and do it in a way that helps you become more self-reliant over time.
This book takes disaster preparedness one step further because we are going to give you full access to the Survivalist Prepper Academy free for 60 days. In the academy we have a list of downloadable files, survival courses, prepping courses, spreadsheets and other members only content.