Battlefront Miniatures German: Hetzer Tank Hunter
You can field Hetzers in a Veteran Tank-hunter Platoon from Hammer and Sickle. These veterans use their new Hetzers with great skill utilising two special rules; Shoot and Scoot and Manoeuvre and Fire. In Flames Of War the Hetzer is Fully-tracked with Armour Front 7, Side 2, Top 1. It is armed with Hull MG and 7.5cm PaK39 gun. The 7.5cm PaK39 gun has a range of 32"/80cm, ROF 2, Anti-tank 11 and Firepower 3+. Being Overloaded is it's only real drawback. This is caused by its forward mounted gun which makes it nose heavy. It bogs down on a 1 or 2 in Rough terrain. item is UNassembled and NOT painted