Yoga socks made of Bamboo are the next level of yoga socks. Anti wicking, anti stinking, ultra sticking yoga socks from NuActive are incredible. BAMBOO - Bamboo Yoga Socks are the next level of yoga socks. Bamboo is the perfect material to be used as the main material in exercise socks. They are durable, they won't stink because bamboo is odor resistant. And they are the most environmentally friendly socks you can buy for yoga, pilates, barre, or the likes because bamboo is grown organically, requiring no irrigation or fertilizers. And because of the extremely quick rate of growth (up to 4 feet a day) it is sustainable. MONKEY GRIP - NuActive bamboo yoga sock grips are extra grippy. We know that you want to enhance your grip experience with these socks so we take the time to process each grip on each sock for just the right amount of time which creates the perfect formula of grip that you need. Not to soft and sticky to peal off after one use and not to firm to lose all gripping qualities, the NuActive grip is formulated to be just right. When creating a sticky grip for yoga socks many manufacturers hurry through the process resulting in a grip that is not sticky. Unfortunately rushing the process results in a hard grip which breaks-up and crumbles easily.