Ball and Roller Bearings
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Ball and Roller Bearings

Rolling bearings have extremely important and wide ranging uses in modern technology. From high speed transport to bridges, from miniature instruments to machinery moving heavy loads, rolling bearings play a vital part. This book presents information which will be essential to designers and to other people concerned with rolling bearings. Classification of bearings is discussed in terms of shape, use and size. Materials having suitable properties for the manufacture of rolling bearings are described. Problems associated with the working performance of rolling bearings, such as lubrication, stress, etc., are looked into. The classical experimental work of Hertz, mathematically relating vital factors involved when loads are applied to spherical objects, is described. This leads on to Stribeck's and Goodman's work on the running characteristics of rolling bearings; and that of Palmgren on fatigue and hence safety. The published data are vast, as is reflected by the bibliography, but this text concentrates on those factors which are of direct value to the designer and technical businessman. Worked examples are given to relate data to practical design problems and, where possible, results are compared with standard lists. Contents: 1. Rolling Bearings 2. Bearing Types 3. Materials for Rolling Bearings 4. Standardisation and Inspection 5. Fits for Rolling Bearings 6. Friction and Lubrication 7. Lubrication Methods 8. Hertz Data 9. Stribeck's Experimental Data 10. Goodman's Experiments: Track Data of Roller Bearings 11. Relative Movement, Resolution of Forces, Loads on Elements 12. Items Affecting Load-Carrying Capacity 13. Life Expectancy and Bearing Capacity 14. General Design Data 15. Some Applications of Rolling Bearings / Bibliography; Index

  • TitleBall and Roller Bearings
  • ManufacturerElsevier Science & Technology
  • BindingHardcover
  • ProductGroupBook
  • EANs9780853345985