Bringaraj is the king of hair, this tridoshic herb treats hair loss and discoloration at the root of the problem by helping to balance the internal fire and clarify the blood. Though bringaraj has a wide range of applications in ayurvedic medicine and is a general tonic for many parts of the body, it has taken a central role in the treatment of hair related conditions both in ayurvedic and western medicine. Bringaraj?s wide application in ayurvedic medicine stems from its potent blood purifying and pitta balancing properties. Bringaraj has a sweet taste, a cooling energy, and a sweet post-digestive effect. However, it also has a bitter and astringent effect that works primarily on the blood, plasma, and circulatory system. This combination of effects renders Bringaraj a powerful tonic for healing many conditions by eliminating the root cause. The bitter and astringent qualities of Bringaraj make it an effective cleanser of the blood and related tissues. The cooling energy of Bringaraj helps to pacify inflammation and its sweet taste help to cool and moisturize tissues worn out by the excessive or prolonged heat of a pitta imbalance. This Bringaraj powder is 100% USDA Certified Organic and completely free of any animal products. It is grown and processed with care and love at our jungle farm in USDA Certified Organic Karnataka, India.