Awakening Your Inner Genius
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Awakening Your Inner Genius

If you'd like to know what some of history's greatest thinkers and achievers can teach you about awakening your inner genius, and how to find, follow, and fulfill your journey to greatness, then you want to read this book today.

You can score in the highest ranges of IQ...and fail to succeed in life. You can work incredibly hard...and never realize your dreams. You can stumble across beautiful opportunities...only to watch them wither and die.

There's something else-something considered unfathomable by many-that lies behind greatness. And in Awakening Your Inner Genius, you're going to be taken on an adventure to discover what that is, and how you can use it to transform your life.

You see, genius is a path, not a gift. Studies of history's greatest geniuses have shown that there is a "genius code," if you will. A combination of very specific traits that we can develop in ourselves, and thus, operate at a genius level.

In this book, you're going to learn things like...

  • Why IQ, opportunities, and working toward that magical goal of 10,000 hours don't comprise the whole story of great achievers, and what else is needed to walk in the footsteps of our greatest geniuses.
  • How to view and deal with the world as Leonardo da Vinci did, and embrace the one trait that most accounted for his incredible genius and talents.
  • Lessons from Nikola Tesla on why imagination is so vital to awakening your inner genius, and insights into the real "secret" to creativity, as explained by people like Jobs, Picasso, Dali, and Twain.
  • How Thomas Edison was able to go from a mischievous academically challenged kid to the world's most successful inventor, and how you too can formulate and realize goals like he did.
  • The secret to Alexander the Great's superhuman drive and work ethic, and how you can inspire yourself to pursue your o...

    • TitleAwakening Your Inner Genius
    • BrandAudible
    • ManufacturerOculus Publishers
    • BindingAudible Audiobook
    • ProductGroupAudible
    • FormatUnabridged