Awaken The Abs Within - 7 Secrets To Lose Belly Fat is packed full of nutrition and fitness secrets that will help you lose belly fat, get a flat stomach, and six pack abs. It doesn’t matter if you’re a guy or girl, young or old, or a beginner or more experienced athlete, the secrets outlined in this book will help you get the healthy body you’ve always wanted! Think starvation diets, countless hours of cardio, and 1000s of crunches every day is the only way to lose fat? WRONG! By following the Awaken The Abs Within secrets, you WILL NOT need to go on a starvation diet or do countless hours of cardio. All 7 secrets will provide you with a plan for a maintainable and sustainable lifestyle. Awaken The Abs Within is about creating a healthy lifestyle. THIS IS NOT a short-term fix/fad program. Here are some of the topics covered in Awaken The Abs Within: UNDERSTANDING HOW AND WHY YOUR BODY ACCUMULATES FAT You’ll be shocked when you read about the top 3 fat fighting misconceptions. CONTROLLING YOUR BODY'S HORMONES Your hormones play a major role in creating a FAT BURNING or FAT STORING body. You will see how certain foods elicit the production of fat BURNING hormones and enzymes while other foods (which the majority of people probably eat) elicit the production of fat STORING hormones and enzymes. BALANCED DIET: This the grand daddy of them all: "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym." Your diet is responsible for 80% of your results when it comes to having a lean tight body. To properly burn body fat and build muscle, your body requires the right TYPES of food, the right QUANTITY of foods, at the RIGHT TIMES. You will learn how to apply the TQT nutrition planning principle to your lifestyle. You will also learn the exact types of fat burning foods to eat. In addition to this, you will learn how to create your own sustainable meal plan that doesn’t starve you and doesn’t make you continuously eat the same boring foods over and over again. You will probably be shocked at how much of the right foods you need to eat and how often you should be eating to lose fat. BOOST YOUR METABOLISM FOR LIFE You will learn all kinds of secrets that will help speed up your metabolism including why eating smaller meals MORE OFTEN can actually burn more fat. You will never starve when you apply these secrets! DETOX YOUR BODY FOR FAT LOSS When your body is in a toxic state, it can’t efficiently metabolise and burn stored fat for energy. You will learn the 5 categories that cause toxicity in the body as well as simple ways to detoxify your body. POWER OF BELIEF FOR FAT LOSS This may be the most important thing when it comes to accomplishing anything in life. If you think you can’t, then you already failed. You will learn ways to deal with stress with very simple but fun exercises. FULL BODY WORKOUTS AND UNIQUE AB TRAINING TECHNIQUES AND EXERCISES The majority of the cardio programs in this book take no more than 20 minutes. You also get 30 weeks of full body fat loss weight training workouts that anyone can do regardless if you're a beginner or advanced. This proven workout program is designed using unique multi-joint exercises that burn the most calories and elicit the greatest fat burning hormonal response. You also get Brad's secret abs specific workout program that he used to get his six pack abs as well as his other top 30 abdominal exercises. Ever heard of the breakdancer? Well you’ll be doing it when you hit level 6 of this abs program. If you're confused and frustrated with how to burn belly fat and get a sexy lean stomach, Awaken The Abs Within is for you. Get your FREE bonuses such as, "9 Steps to: Healthy Eating" and "5 Abdominal Fat Burning Foods" by visiting