Are You A Clairvoyant?: A how to develop your psychic abilities guide for beginners.
The techniques offered in Developing Your Psychic Abilities will positively change your life. Everyone has the ability to see beyond the conscious realm of existence, but few people recognize and develop their psychic ability. Following the techniques in this eBook will open your mind, body, and spirit, helping you see yourself and others the way you want to see them. At some point in life everyone has a psychic experience.
The revolutionary approach outlined in Developing Your Psychic Abilities allows you to harness your hidden psychic powers by:
•Defining clairvoyance and helping you understand your relationship with cosmic consciousness.
•Helping you understand different types of clairvoyant abilities.
•Developing an understanding of your clairvoyant type and guiding you to define yourself as a visual clairvoyant, a psychic who experiences clairaudience, or an empath.
•Proving meditation strategies to unlock your clairvoyant ability.
Unlike most books on clairvoyance and psychic ability, Developing Your Psychic Abilities also covers palm and tarot card reading. A concluding section details the psychic ability of several well-known historical figures including the father of holistic medicine, Edgar Casey, Harriet Tubman, and Nostradamus.
With proper training, you will learn to understand, develop and trust important elements of your psychic ability and visions. This eBook will help you develop positive affirmations and positive energy flow, improving your life and the lives of your friends and family.
Read this eBook if you want to enrich your life, affirm your significance in the cosmos, understand and activate your hidden psychic ability.