Apple Training Series: AppleScript 1-2-3
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Apple Training Series: AppleScript 1-2-3

We know what you€re thinking. You€ve heard about AppleScript. You€ve heard that it can do amazing things. You€ve heard that it can automate away the tiring, redundant, repetitive tasks you do with the computer.

All true. But you€re not sure about what€s involved with using it. Is it difficult? Is it programming? After all, you€re just a better-than average computer user. You know what you know, and your expertise serves you pretty well. But recently you€ve reached the point of asking yourself €œIs there a better way?€ The answer is €œYes.€

And relax, you just got lucky. This book is for you.

If you€ve never written a single line of computer code€“this book is for you. If the most technical thing you do on the computer is calculate a column in Excel€“this book is for you. If you€re tired of doing the same thing over and over€“this book is for you.

It€s about being motivated to explore, understand, and take advantage of the tools you already own. AppleScript is free€“the only price for its use is your desire to finally sit down and take a few moments to absorb and activate its magic.

This book starts at square one and walks you through the process of understanding and writing AppleScript€“step by step, one concept at a time€“until you find yourself suddenly creating powerful and useful automated solutions. And the lessons in this book are based on a decade of experience teaching hands-on classes to folks just like you. You can do this. You can become Master of your Computer Universe!

Still don€t believe us? Open the first chapter and start reading. You€ll see.

  • TitleApple Training Series: AppleScript 1-2-3
  • ManufacturerPeachpit Press
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2009-06-02T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook