Apple Macbook Unibody Super DVD-RW Drive UJ8A8, UJ-8A8 # 678-0611C
Apple Macbook/Macbook Pro that has a 9.5mm-high SuperDrive with SATA laptop interface Macbook Pro A1181 A1286 A1278 UJ8A8 DVD+R=8X ¯†Speed DVD-RAM Writing¯€° DVD-R=8X¯†Speed DVD-RAM Writing¯€° DVD+RW=8X¯†Speed DVD-RAM Writing¯€° DVD-RW=6X¯†Speed DVD-RAM Writing¯€° DVD+R9 Dual Layer=6X DVD-R9 Dual Layer=6X DVD-RAM=5X CD-R=24X¯†Speed DVD-RAM Writing¯€° CD-RW=24X¯†Speed DVD-RAM Writing