Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases (Aspen Casebook)
Distinguished authorship characterizes Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases, first written by Phil Areeda, the leading antitrust commentator of the 20th century. The text continues to be revised by two of the leading lawyer economists of the early 21st century. This traditional casebook is also known for its pedagogy (cases, explanatory text, and problems) and insightful text that convey essentials background information along with necessary economic principles. Helpful appendices includes Selected Statutes¿the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, and the Federal Trade Commission Act¿and a thorough, complete Teacher s Manual accompanies a powerful volume adopted at all levels of law schools.
The Seventh Edition incorporates the latest Supreme Court and Circuit Court cases, legal changes, and developments in the law. A revised section on distributional restraints takes account of Leegin, and an updated chapter explores 2010 Merger Guidelines. Many important contemporary discussions have been updated, such as improved intellectual property, market definition, and collusion.
Thoroughly updated, the revised Seventh Edition presents: