Annual reports of the officers of the town of Rindge, N. H; for the year ending March 1 and the invoice and taxes for April 1
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1909 edition. Excerpt:, 1 00 Oct. 14. Inspecting school, 1 00 Oct. 16. Burial permit, 50 Aug. 20. Investigating sewage, 1 00 Aug. 26. Investigating Finns for contagion, 50 1912. Jan. 24. Looking after burial of horse, 50 Oct. 16. Inspecting school, 1 00 Jan. 24. Burying horse, 1 00 $9 00 ARTHUR E. TAGGART, L. B. HATCH, ULRIC A. CONVERSE, Rindge Board of Health. We have examined this report aud find it correctly cast. RALSAMON D. CONVERSE, WALTER B. HART, Auditors. CEMETERIES. REPORT OF THE OLD CEMETERY. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand, Feb. 15, 1911, $24 60 Winchendon Savings Bank dividends, 50 00 Balance due committee, 2 31 Addison Todd, labor, $2 41 George F. Parsons, labor, 1 50 F. L. Barrett, labor, 18 50 G. W. S. Howe, cleaning monuments and curbing, 39 00 Chas. F. Stearns, care of vases, 8 00 Chas. F. Platts, care of Burnham lot, 3 00 Services of committee, 4 50 $76 91 Respectfully submitted, CHAS. F. PLATTS, FREDERICK L. BARRETT, ADDISON TODD, Committee. TRUST FUND. Rodney Wallace, in liquidation, $800 00 Expended on David Wallace lot and vase, 7 68 Thomas Ingalls lot and vase, 9 68 Mrs. Julia A. Rand, in liquidation, $100 00 Expended care of lot and vase, 2 68 Mrs. E. K. Burnham, in liquidation, $100 00 Expended, care of lot and vase, 15 00 Addison Kimball deposit, $100 00 Interest, 3 50 Unexpended balance, 12 25 $15 75 Expended, care of lot, 4 00 $11 75 Joseph S. Wetherbee deposit, $50 00 Interest, 1 75 Unexpended balance, 4 75 $6 50 Expended, care of lot, 1 50 $5 00 Mrs. Sarah S. Kimball, deposit, $100 00 Interest, 4 00 Unexpended balance, 15 25 $19 25 Expended care of lot. 2 00 $17 25 Mrs. Ann J. Cutter White, deposit, $100 00 Interest, 4 00 Unexpended balance, 12 05 $16 05 Expended care of lot, 7 50 D. P. Clark, deposit. Interest, Unexpended balance,...